Cauliflower plant and cauliflower nutrition, health benefits, recipes

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Cauliflower plant and cauliflower nutrition, health benefits, recipes. All about Cauliflower will be in this article. Keep following to see.

Cauliflower nutrition

Cauliflower is much more than broccoli's paler cousin, this member of the cruciferous family brings the nutrients. Often maligned for being bland, cauliflower, when prepared properly, can be flavorful as well as healthful.

Despite its white color, cauliflower is a very versatile and vitamin-rich vegetable. It is a great source of vitamin C and folate and a good source of fiber and vitamin K. It is also rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants.

Cauliflower ranks among the top 30 powerhouse vegetables in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Aggregate Nutrient Density Index (ANDI), which ranks foods based on nutrient content in relation to calorie amount. 

Health benefits

Antioxidant power

Vitamins C and K and manganese are antioxidants that can help keep the body healthy. Antioxidants are molecules that safely interact with free radicals to stop the condition of oxidative stress. A cup of cooked cauliflower provides 73 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, 19 percent of the daily vitamin K amount and 8 percent of the daily manganese amount.


Cauliflower's high fiber content, which is about 11 percent of recommended daily amount. This can help promote smooth digestion, healthy stool bulk and regularity. Bulkier, softer stools are easier to pass than hard or watery ones, which not only makes life more comfortable but also helps maintain colorectal health. It is one of the most interesting facts on health benefits of Cauliflower.


Consuming folate during pregnancy is essential for helping to prevent neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, in the fetus, according to the CDC. 

Cauloflower funny pics


Some research suggests that the glucosinolates may help reduce risk of certain cancers, namely prostate cancer.

Wound healing, skin and hair health

Vitamin C plays an important role in wound healing.


One cup of cooked cauliflower has 9 percent of the recommended amount of omega-3 fatty acids for the day, which are well-known anti-inflammatories.,

Heart health

Sulforaphane is associated with strong blood vessels and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

Strong bones

In the past 20 years, scientists have found that vitamin K plays an important role in bone health. Vitamin K increases the effectiveness of osteocalcin, a protein involved in bone mineralization, and promotes healthy calcium balance. A study found that women who consumed at least 110 micrograms of vitamin K daily were 30 percent less likely to break a hip than women who consumed less than that. 

Iron absorption

Mangieri noted that the vitamin C in cauliflower is also necessary for proper iron absorption. It helps overcome the effects of phytonutrients that inhibit iron absorption and helps release iron from non-heme sources, such as fruits, vegetables and nuts, which is less easily absorbed than iron from heme sources, such as meats. 

Brain health

A large-scale study found that choline intake was associated with verbal and visual memories. Participants with higher choline levels in their plasma showed improved performance on cognitive tests of global cognition, executive function, sensory motor speed and perceptual speed.

Risks of eating cauliflower

The risks for eating cauliflower are generally minimal. Like other cruciferous vegetables, cauliflower can make you gassy or bloated. Cabbage and cauliflower interfere with the body's absorption of iodine, which is needed by the thyroid gland. People with thyroid problems should avoid eating large amounts of either vegetable.

Cauliflower contains naturally occurring substances called purines. Purines can be broken down to form uric acid, and excess accumulation of uric acid can cause gout and kidney stones.

Enjoying cauliflower

Steaming and broiling are probably the most common ways to cook cauliflower, but they can leave the vegetable mushy and bland. Mangieri suggests roasting and eating it raw to retain flavor. 

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